Thursday, April 29, 2010

Festa di Pesto at Farina

Last night Gidget and I celebrated at the Festa di Pesto at Farina Foccaccia and Cucina Italiana.  What did we celebrate? 

1- A lovely glass (or two) of Toscana
2- Mandilli di seta al pesto, a Farina specialty (its flavor being the equivalent of sticking your nose deep into a bouquet of the freshest basil)
3- Another great girls night out!

We got a great deal through Bergine, which helps local SF merchants provide great offers and services to people in the area. They post an offer a day as well as a weekly offer.  I jumped at the chance to go back to Farina, which currently holds a post in my top 5 SF restaurants.   Mille grazie a Bergine!

... e Salute a tutti!

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