Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I haven't participated in Halloween costumery for several years, but this year I felt a teensy bit inspired.  I am creating an owl costume as an homage to my favorite animal, and for once the idea in my head is actually coming to life!

I coordinated an array of brown and camel tweedy haberdashery fabrics (one herringbone, one exploded plaid, a camel stripe, plus a wide wale brown corduroy as an accent) to create the feathers.  After cutting fabric squares, I used pinking shears to create a feathered edge.

An overlapping pattern of feathers created my new drop-waisted owlish tunic, to be worn over brown leggings and short booties. 

The finishing touches, of course, are the shoulder-length feather earrings and the horn-rimmed glasses I will be sporting, in addition to the hipster owl accompanying me to my Halloween party lineup. 



  1. It all makes sense now! I couldn't figure it out from just your earlier photo. Way cool -- have a great time!

  2. this is so cute - post a pic in costume please!!
